Local news sources state that the millionaire creator of the encrypted messaging program Telegram, Pavel Durov, has been taken into custody in France. In August 2021, Mr. Durov obtained French citizenship and also holds an Emirates nationality.
The 39-year-old tech billionaire was allegedly arrested after his private jet landed at Le Bourget airport, which is just outside of Paris.
According to unnamed sources reported by the French news agencies BFMTV and TF1, Durov’s arrest is the result of a search warrant linked to an inquiry into the moderation policies of the app and possible illegal activity carried out through Telegram. Nevertheless, Telegram, the Interior Ministry, and the French police have not yet responded to these claims.
Telegram is among the most downloaded apps globally, owing to its strong privacy features and end-to-end encryption. Telegram has come under fire despite its widespread use for being involved in a number of illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and the dissemination of illicit information. Far-right activists have also used the app, which has lately caused disturbance in the UK. The site has been a major source of information about Russia’s war in Ukraine and is an essential tool for pro-democracy activities.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has declared that it is investigating the circumstances of Durov’s apprehension. After his former social media firm, VKontakte (VK), was taken over due to his failure to cooperate with government orders to shut down opposition groups, the creator fled Russia in 2014.
According to US analyst Tucker Carlson, who writes on X, Mr. Durov’s detention in France is likely the result of his refusal to “censor the truth.” In April, Mr. Durov stated he was committed to maintaining Telegram “neutral” and “free from geopolitics” in an interview with the American television personality.The Telegram app’s billionaire founder is detained in France
Local news sources state that the millionaire creator of the encrypted messaging program Telegram, Pavel Durov, has been taken into custody in France. In August 2021, Mr. Durov obtained French citizenship and also holds an Emirates nationality.
The 39-year-old tech billionaire was allegedly arrested after his private jet landed at Le Bourget airport, which is just outside of Paris.
According to unnamed sources reported by the French news agencies BFMTV and TF1, Durov’s arrest is the result of a search warrant linked to an inquiry into the moderation policies of the app and possible illegal activity carried out through Telegram. Nevertheless, Telegram, the Interior Ministry, and the French police have not yet responded to these claims.
Telegram is among the most downloaded apps globally, owing to its strong privacy features and end-to-end encryption. Telegram has come under fire despite its widespread use for being involved in a number of illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and the dissemination of illicit information. Far-right activists have also used the app, which has lately caused disturbance in the UK. The site has been a major source of information about Russia’s war in Ukraine and is an essential tool for pro-democracy activities.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has declared that it is investigating the circumstances of Durov’s apprehension. After his former social media firm, VKontakte (VK), was taken over due to his failure to cooperate with government orders to shut down opposition groups, the creator fled Russia in 2014.
According to US analyst Tucker Carlson, who writes on X, Mr. Durov’s detention in France is likely the result of his refusal to “censor the truth.” In April, Mr. Durov stated he was committed to maintaining Telegram “neutral” and “free from geopolitics” in an interview with the American television personality.