I’m emulating Beyoncé, Venita told the man who made fun of her for being nude

Venita Akpofure, a former actress and Big Brother Naija reality star, responded to criticism on social media for her nudity in her latest rap video, “Gen Z Cypher,” featuring Magnito.

A person condemned Venita’s exhibition of nudity in the video via the comment section after she published a portion of the film on her X account in which she was skimpily clothed.

The mother of three, Venita, was shamed, according to the social media user, for showing off her nudity.

He wrote, “Person wey get three pikin for house see wetin she wear her shame dey shame me.”

In response, Venita stated that she was emulating her billionaire household name and role model, Beyoncé, who is also a mother of three but performs in bodysuits.

She wrote, “My dear I no Dey shame, keep your shame for yourself, I go Dey follow my Beyoncé jejely de go. Who also has 3 kids, wears bodysuits to perform and is billionaire household name. Go hard = Venita . Go home = you.”