Atiku demands that Nigeria’s security structure be changed

In order to combat the widespread insecurity in the nation, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate for 2023, Atiku Abubakar, has asked for a revision of the security framework.

In response to the release of students abducted from Kuriga in Kaduna State, Atiku made a statement.

After praising the individuals in charge of the children’ release, Atiku insisted on bolstering the Safe School Initiative.

In a post on X, Atiku demanded that the security architecture be changed to better address the dangers that Nigerians are facing.

He stated: “I am elated at the news of the release of the 287 abducted schoolchildren in Kaduna after 16 days in captivity. I commend all those who worked tirelessly to make their release a reality.

“As we celebrate with their families and friends, let’s be mindful that, like stage four cancer, this state of insecurity that has befallen our nation is metastasising and needs proactive measures to stem it.

“I can only imagine the trauma that these vulnerable children have suffered. It is recommended that the children receive psychotherapeutic care from professionals.

“We also do not need to wait for the next incident before putting mechanisms in place to forestall it. To this end, I recommend the strengthening of the Safe School Initiative that prioritises the protection of schools, especially in the areas that are most vulnerable to mass kidnapping of schoolchildren. But above all, there should be an overhaul of the security architecture to meet the demands of the threats facing us.”